Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Michael | NC Senior Portrait Photographer

"I, I, I, wanna be a lifeguard! Help! Help! Help! Help!" Okay, so that's a really bad 80's flashback but the video is worth a chuckle...

Here's Michael, our lifeguard trendsetter. Micahel began his shoot at where else but the pool! We had a lot of laughs with him and his friend, Katie. Pink and green, right guys??? Michael is off to either Campbell or UNC School of Pharmacy (being Duke girls, we are praying it's Campbell...LOL!)





Anonymous October 3, 2009 at 10:17 PM  

I came here to find more info on booking session with you all because you took awesome shots of a friend's daughter. We wanted shots of our family and our daughter.

However I just saw your comments about UNC. The Duke comment doesn't bug me but the anti-UNC one just lost you our business. You do lovely work, shame you had to mar it with comments like that.

Chris and Tim October 6, 2009 at 6:38 PM  

Dear Anonymous,

Of course, as people who love what we do, we are always disappointed by lost business. However, as you would have gotten to know us, you would have soon realized our lighthearted banter about many things. We have many friends and customers who are die hard UNC fans and, in fact, would be proud if any of our own children were able to attend Duke OR UNC. We’re sorry that our comment preventing you from giving our work a chance. ~Chris and Leah

Jonathan and Paula October 6, 2009 at 8:06 PM  

Hello there :) I am strictly a Carolina fan as are my husband and kids...we loved the photos you took of us last christmas and also all of the photos you have done for various family members (who are also die hard UNC fans) you guys do fabulous work despite the fact that you are dukies :) I love your senses of humor and how much fun you have with your is a shame that someone would let such silly banter get in the way of wonderful work. Thank you for not being "stuffy" and for letting your true selves show!!

Meekmommy October 6, 2009 at 9:13 PM  

WOW! Coming from Oklahoma... I can't IMAGINE what Chris and Leah could come up with to make fun of my Oklahoma State "Pokes" ha ha! They are the most FUN photographers on earth to work with. I feel sorry for anonymous for missing out on the chance to have lifetime memories captured by Chris and Leah's talent because of a little tarheel humor. Being that Oklahoma State ALWAYS gets made fun of, I wouldn't be able to do much business at all if I were in my home state. Ha ha!
IF anonymous happens to be friends with the Meek family and are referring to Summer's photos... shame on YOU for being that way to Chris and Leah!!!

The Buntens October 6, 2009 at 9:42 PM  

Wow. Really?

I love you ladies so much. You are wonderful photographers and two of the most beautiful women (inside and out) that I know. And of course, funny as can be.

I just have one word of advice for anybody listening out there when it comes to leaving criticism on a website or blog - if you are gonna say it, have the courage to sign your name. It loses all credibility otherwise.

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